SAP ABAP ile API entegrasyonu

cl_http_client kullanarak web sitesinden JSON ile GET, PUT ve POST metodları ile veri alışverişi.

*& Report ZFD_R_DENEME
report zfd_r_deneme.

data: len type i, “transmission packet length
len_string type string,
url type string, “Interface Address
http_client type ref to if_http_client, “http client
post_string type string,
result type string.
data: it_header type tihttpnvp.

data: lv_token type zb2b_token,
lv_return type i,
lv_str type string.


e_token = lv_token
e_returncode = lv_return.

check lv_token is not initial.

concatenate ‘Bearer’ lv_token into lv_token separated by space.

lv_str = lv_token.

url = ‘’.

“Creating http client
call method cl_http_client=>create_by_url
url = url
client = http_client
argument_not_found = 1
plugin_not_active = 2
internal_error = 3
others = 4.

http_client->propertytype_accept_cookie = if_http_client=>co_enabled.

call method http_client->request->set_method( if_http_request=>co_request_method_get ).
http_client->request->set_header_field( name = ‘x-csrf-token’ value = ‘Fetch’ ).
http_client->request->set_header_field( name = ‘Accept’ value = ‘application/json’ ).
http_client->request->set_header_field( name = ‘Content-Type’ value = ‘application/json; charset=utf-8’ ).
http_client->request->set_header_field( name = ‘Authorization’ value = lv_str ).

call method http_client->send
http_communication_failure = 1
http_invalid_state = 2
http_processing_failed = 3
http_invalid_timeout = 4
others = 5.

call method http_client->receive
http_communication_failure = 1
http_invalid_state = 2
http_processing_failed = 3.
“Extract returns the string
result = http_client->response->get_cdata( ).
“The string replacement carriage, or will be identified as # abap
* replace all occurrences of regex ‘\n’ in result with space.
“Get the data returned by the interface

* write: result.

types: begin of stt_head,
ordernumber type string,
memberid type string,
companyid type string,
orderdate type string,
deadline type string,
ordertypeid type string,
saleschannelid type string,
vatinclude type string,
customerid type string,
locationid type string,
qty type string,
grossamount type string,
discountdetailamount type string,
discountdocumentamount type string,
netamount type string,
vatamount type string,
totalamount type string,
exchangerate type string,
currencyid type string,
documentdesc type string,
oppid type string,
giftboxnote type string,
invoicenote type string,
cargoid type string,
cargoname type string,
cargopaymenttypeid type string,
cargotrackingnumber type string,
end of stt_head.

types: begin of stt_itm,
ordernumber type string,
orderdetailid type string,
skuid type string,
orderdetailtype type string,
productcode type string,
productname type string,
qty type string,
price type string,
vatrate type string,
currencyid type string,
discountpercent1 type string,
discountpercent2 type string,
discountpercent3 type string,
discountamount type string,
discountamountdocument type string,
amount type string,
exchangerate type string,
staffcode type string,
campaignid type string,
promotionid type string,
detaildescription type string,
deadline type string,
barcode type string,
end of stt_itm.

data: wa_h type stt_head,
it_h like table of wa_h,
wa_i type stt_itm,
it_i like table of wa_i.

data: lv_len type i,
lv_x type c,
lv_ilk type i,
lv_poss type i,
lv_row type i.

types : begin of t_table ,
f1 type string,
end of t_table.
types : begin of t_tablei ,
hr type i,
f1 type string,
f2 type string,
end of t_tablei.

data: lt_tableh type table of t_table,
ls_tableh type t_table.
data: lt_tablei type table of t_tablei,
ls_tablei type zb2b_s_export.

data: t_json type table of zb2b_s_export.

clear lv_str.
lv_str = result.
replace all occurrences of ‘,”OrderPayments”:[]’ in lv_str with ”.
replace all occurrences of ‘,”OrderInvoiceAddress”:null’ in lv_str with ”.
replace all occurrences of ‘,”OrderShipmentAddress”:null}’ in lv_str with ”.
replace all occurrences of ‘,”OrderDetails”:[‘ in lv_str with ‘},’.
replace all occurrences of ‘”‘ in lv_str with ”.
replace all occurrences of ‘[‘ in lv_str with ”.
replace all occurrences of ‘]’ in lv_str with ”.
replace all occurrences of ‘#’ in lv_str with ”.

lv_len = strlen( lv_str ).

data: lv_lenf type i.

lv_x = space.
lv_ilk = 1.
while lv_x ne ‘X’.
search lv_str for ‘}’.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
lv_poss = sy-fdpos.
ls_tableh-f1 = lv_str+1(lv_poss).
lv_poss = lv_poss + 1.
replace all occurrences of ‘{‘ in ls_tableh-f1 with ”.
replace all occurrences of ‘}’ in ls_tableh-f1 with ”.
append ls_tableh to lt_tableh.
clear ls_tableh.
lv_len = lv_len – lv_poss.
lv_str = lv_str+lv_poss(lv_len).
lv_x = ‘X’.

lv_x = space.
lv_row = 1.

loop at lt_tableh into ls_tableh.
lv_x = space.
lv_str = ls_tableh-f1.
lv_len = strlen( lv_str ).
while lv_x ne ‘X’.
search lv_str for ‘:’.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
lv_poss = sy-fdpos.
ls_tablei-fieldn = lv_str(lv_poss).
move lv_row to ls_tablei-jhead.
replace all occurrences of ‘,’ in ls_tablei-fieldn with ”.
replace all occurrences of ‘#’ in ls_tablei-fieldn with ”.
lv_lenf = strlen( ls_tablei-fieldn ).
* lv_lenf = lv_lenf – 5.
* ls_tablei-fieldn = ls_tablei-fieldn+5(lv_lenf).
ls_tablei-fieldn = ls_tablei-fieldn(lv_lenf).
condense ls_tablei-fieldn no-gaps.
lv_poss = lv_poss + 1.
lv_len = lv_len – lv_poss.

lv_str = lv_str+lv_poss(lv_len).
search lv_str for ‘,’.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
lv_poss = sy-fdpos.
* ls_tablei-JVAL = lv_str+1(lv_poss).
ls_tablei-jval = lv_str(lv_poss).
lv_len = lv_len – lv_poss.
lv_str = lv_str+lv_poss(lv_len).
replace all occurrences of ‘,’ in ls_tablei-jval with ”.
append ls_tablei to t_json.
clear ls_tablei.
ls_tablei-jval = lv_str.

append ls_tablei to t_json.
clear ls_tablei.
lv_x = ‘X’.
lv_x = ‘X’.
lv_row = lv_row + 1.

data: lv_no type int4,
lv_no = 0.
loop at t_json into ls_tablei.
if lv_no ne ls_tablei-jhead.
if ls_tablei-fieldn eq ‘OrderNumber’.
lv_c = ‘H’.
lv_c = ‘I’.
lv_no = ls_tablei-jhead.
if lv_c = ‘H’.
case ls_tablei-fieldn.
when ‘OrderNumber’.
clear wa_h.
wa_h-ordernumber = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘MemberID’.
wa_h-memberid = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘CompanyID’.
wa_h-companyid = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘OrderDate’.
wa_h-orderdate = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘DeadLine’.
wa_h-deadline = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘OrderTypeID’.
wa_h-ordertypeid = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘SalesChannelId’.
wa_h-saleschannelid = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘VatInclude’.
wa_h-vatinclude = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘CustomerID’.
wa_h-customerid = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘LocationID’.
wa_h-locationid = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘Qty’.
wa_h-qty = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘GrossAmount’.
wa_h-grossamount = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘DiscountDetailAmount’.
wa_h-discountdetailamount = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘DiscountDocumentAmount’.
wa_h-discountdocumentamount = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘NetAmount’.
wa_h-netamount = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘VatAmount’.
wa_h-vatamount = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘TotalAmount’.
wa_h-totalamount = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘ExchangeRate’.
wa_h-exchangerate = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘CurrencyID’.
wa_h-currencyid = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘DocumentDesc’.
wa_h-documentdesc = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘OppID’.
wa_h-oppid = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘GiftBoxNote’.
wa_h-giftboxnote = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘InvoiceNote’.
wa_h-invoicenote = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘CargoID’.
wa_h-cargoid = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘CargoName’.
wa_h-cargoname = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘CargoPaymentTypeID’.
wa_h-cargopaymenttypeid = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘CargoTrackingNumber’.
wa_h-cargotrackingnumber = ls_tablei-jval.
append wa_h to it_h.
case ls_tablei-fieldn.
when ‘OrderDetailID’.
clear wa_i.
wa_i-ordernumber = wa_h-ordernumber.
wa_i-orderdetailid = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘SkuID’.
wa_i-skuid = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘OrderDetailType’.
wa_i-orderdetailtype = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘ProductCode’.
wa_i-productcode = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘ProductName’.
wa_i-productname = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘Qty’.
wa_i-qty = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘Price’.
wa_i-price = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘VatRate’.
wa_i-vatrate = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘CurrencyID’.
wa_i-currencyid = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘DiscountPercent1’.
wa_i-discountpercent1 = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘DiscountPercent2’.
wa_i-discountpercent2 = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘DiscountPercent3’.
wa_i-discountpercent3 = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘DiscountAmount’.
wa_i-discountamount = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘DiscountAmountDocument’.
wa_i-discountamountdocument = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘Amount’.
wa_i-amount = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘ExchangeRate’.
wa_i-exchangerate = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘StaffCode’.
wa_i-staffcode = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘CampaignID’.
wa_i-campaignid = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘PromotionID’.
wa_i-promotionid = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘DetailDescription’.
wa_i-detaildescription = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘DeadLine’.
wa_i-deadline = ls_tablei-jval.
when ‘Barcode’.
wa_i-barcode = ls_tablei-jval.
append wa_i to it_i.

write: result.

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